On 25-26th February, the first partners meeting of the project “LEt’s Talk about drugs – new MEthods of communication with youth” (LET ME) took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. The project is implemented in the framework of the European Commission programme – ERASMUS+. The aim of the project is to support youth workers, educators (peer educators), street workers, harm reduction specialists working directly with youth who can potentially using drugs, or already use them with the innovative approaches and methods on drug education.
During the kick-off meeting, partners get to know each other, discussed the division of responsibilities, went through the work plan and timeline of the project, discussed the budget and questions related to financial accountability. A presentation about ERASMUS+ programme was made by Lithuania National Agency representative Eglė Poteliūnė. The second day of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the implementation of the first intellectual output – Assessment report. The discussion brought loads of interesting insights and ideas for the development of methodology and questionnaire. Partners had a possibility to share their knowledge and opinion about the existing drug education situation in their countries. One session was dedicated to discussing the communication plan and dissemination activities.
#LetMe #LetsTalkAboutDrugs #erasmusplus #DrugEducation #HarmReductionWorks #JustSayKnow